Keep in mind that greeting cards do not have to be for holidays and special occasions only. They can be used for any event or promotion that your company sees fit. Greeting cards can deliver a promotional coupon located inside the card. Greeting cards can announce a grand opening or promote a special event by providing an invitation.
Please note that 7 x 10 is the flat size of the card, it will fold to 7 x 5 or 5 x 7. You can choose below to have the cards scored to store flat and fold with ease as you need them. You may also opt to order blank envelopes that fit your folded cards.
Standard turnaround time is 2-4 business days. Please keep in mind this does not include shipping time. See our FAQ page for more details.
Stock choice is subject to availability at the time of order due to industrywide inventory shortages. Your product may be printed on a different stock than selected.